Total Medals Earned: 59 (From
16 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 960 Points
Died 20 times in one sitting
Got to da chopper
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat the game without dying
Finish the Tutorial
Defeat the Wicked Obstacle Course!
Fall a long time for your ancestors
Slide a HELLA long time!
Save yourself from falling ten times
Earn all Platinums on Easy
Meet all the previous contestants
Earn all Platinums on Medium
Earn all Platinums on Hard
Beat the game
Beat the game in exactly 6.9 seconds
Survive the Disk Wheel for 10 seconds
Die in Discwheel
Survive the Disc Wheel for 30 seconds
Survive the Disc Wheel for OVER A MINUTE
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Complete level five.
Completel level ten.
Complete the game.
Get a perfect loadout in one level between 2-5.
Get a perfect loadout in one level between 6-10.
Get a perfect loadout in one level between 11-15.
Get a perfect loadout in every level.
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Thanks for purchasing our new OS!
Medium Ham is only limited to playing 1 video.
He watches...
Keep it clean and sweep up those mines!
"There's nobody here."
Monkeh, monkeh.
Don't harass me its just a reference!
See your new pet fish!
Ur PC is slow
You don't have one.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Purchase an item!
Uh oh!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Think, just have a little time to think about some stuff...
RIP Shrek 9/11/01
Get 20 headshots in one round.
Kill 3 gansters in mid air
Kill 20 gangsters with the knife in one round
Blow 20 gangsters in to pieces in one round
Play NG Stars
get three perfect notes in a row
Get a perfect combo of at least 15 notes
Beat the final guy
How to open them
Get a perfect combo of at least 30 notes
Get a perfect combo of at least 64 notes
Beat the boss without using the checkpoint
Beat the game with at least 3 lives left
Get a perfect combo of at least 100 notes
Beat the game without using the checkpoint or taking damage
finish the game with over 95% completion